LAC-BLOG 2020 – 2022

CLICK here for 2023 onwards

10th December 2022

Proving that GA flying continues, no matter what time of year it is taking place, Adam Pringle was able to complete an excellent First Solo in the run-up to Christmas. Being congratulated here by instructor Mark.

Well done Adam.

Now the work really begins towards that Private Pilot’s Licence

6th December 2022

A brief respite from the recent terrible weather allowed Jasin Kaplan to fly his First Solo today.

Seen here with two of his instructors, Andy and Clive, Jasin took to the skies to complete a perfect circuit.

A hearty “Well Done” from all at

Lydd Aero Club

Lawrance and Chris

28th November 2022

After many weeks of rain, strong winds and a change to his regular training aircraft, Peter Reid found a gap in the weather and took to the skies for his First Solo. Seen here being congratulated by his instructor Mark.

Well done Peter. Now for a little circuit consolidation and concentrate on that Navigation.

8th October 2022

Another late summer success. This time Roger Johnson was the recipient of a long awaited pass for his LAPL.

Well done Roger. I’m sure that first trip to Cambridge will make it all worthwhile. Seen here with Examiner Bob.

Congratulations from all at

Lydd Aero Club

Lawrance and Chris

3rd October 2022

Today, after joining  Lydd Aero Club a short while ago in a move from Biggin Hill, saw Steve Newton successfully complete his PPL Skills Test.

Seen here (inset) receiving congratulations from examiner Chris.

Well done Steve from all at the Club

22nd September 2022

After the unusually busy flying days throughout August member John Hockley took to the skies for his First Solo under the watchful eye of Instructor Dianne. Here seen at the presentation of a Certificate and the usual celebratory bottle.

Well done John. Now to consolidate with more solo hours and Navigation to get that PPL.

Lawrance and Chris

July saw Group and Club members Ken and Tony venture to Northern Norway. A trip they had planned for 2018 but never completed.

Read their full report and numerous tips for those PPLs wanting to go that way.

CLICK here to read the full report from Ken.

24th June 2022

Another milestone in a student’s flying career

Tiago Pais completed his First Solo this morning. Like all student pilots this is something you do only once and hence a day and achievement to be remembered through the rest of your flying days.

Seen here receiving congratulations from his instructor Dianne

WELL DONE Tiago!! and similar congratulations from all at the Club

Lawrance and Chris

3-4th June 2022

First Flyout for 3 years

Click the photo for a gallery of photos taken during the 2 day flyout to Lille , France.

1st June 2022

The old saying like father like son was reversed today as Phil Astell followed his son by a few years (mainly because of Covid delays) to take the next step in his training by completing his First Solo Flight,

Seen here with instructor Mark celebrating his achievement. Phil proudly points out his sons name on the honours board.

Don’t worry Phil, your name will be there soon!!

18th May 2022

Same day and another student completes their First Solo.

James Fosbery took to the skies and, after a very short check circuit with his instructor, went out and completed an excellent First Solo

Seen here in triumphant pose with instructor Clive

WELL DONE James – all that time on the OPS desk is paying off at last

Lawrance and Chris

18th May 2022

Qualifications coming thick and fast as we race through May.

Seen here with instructor Clive is Anup Patel who had just completed his First Solo

Congratulations Anup, now the real work begins towards that Private Pilot’s Licence.

18th May 2022

The continuation of the good weather brought many courses to fruition.

Steve Barkess was the first today to finish the whole course by completing his General Skills Test with Examiner Gary.

You’re not supposed to be holding the Champers Gary!! 

A big WELL DONE Steve from all at Lydd Aero Club

Lawrance and Chris

2nd May 2022 

May Day will be remembered by student pilot Evan Jolly for something he will never do again – his First Solo flight

Seen here with Instructor Clive. A great end to the Bank Holiday.

Congratulations Evan, from all at Lydd Aero Club, now the real work begins!

19th April 2022

Looking back a few years members may recall a very young Daniel Busbridge, son of member Nigel who obtained his PPL at Lydd Aero Club

The family moved to New Zealand and we are pleased to hear of Dan’s latest qualification, flying with the Royal New Zealand Airforce.

Seen here with his fellow pilots.

Lawrance and Chris

18th April 2022 

Continuing this busy month for qualifications another member, this time using the new “Group” aircraft completes his Qualifying Cross Country.

Here being congratulated with the usual bottle of bubble is Instructor Clive with todays man of the moment Roger Johnson.

Congratulations Roger, from all at Lydd Aero Club. Maybe a long time coming but you’ll soon be ready for that final step.

13th April 2022

May the Spring-like weather continue as long as it likes!!

Another Qualifying Cross Country today. Rob Cooke takes the next step towards his Pilot’s Licence by making an early start on the solo 150 mile route with two away landings.

Congratulations Rob!!!

Lawrance and Chris

10th April 2022 

The qualifications coming thick and fast for these early springlike days.

Here seen being presented with his Qualifying Cross Country Certificate are Steve Barkess and Instructor Dianne. Hey Dianne!! the Champers is for the student – but not before flights! 

Congratulations Steve, from all at Lydd Aero Club. Next stop – Private Pilots Licence

9th April 2022

May the good weather continue as long as it likes!!

Someone taking full advantage of it in the first week of April this year is Harry Hobden, seen here with instructor Bob.

Harry completed his First Solo today, Something a pilot never does twice.

Congratulations Harry!!!

Lawrance and Chris

23rd March 2022 

The continuing spell of good weather continues to help progress with all student training.

The pandemic played havoc with her training but today Raina Lazarova successfully completed her first solo.

Seen here with Instructor Mark.

Congratulations Raina, from all at Lydd Aero Club. You made it, at last!

22nd March 2022

As the last elements of the Covid restrictions are removed –  those of us who can show full vaccination may now enter France with very few restrictions.

Here is one person who received a Refusal of Entry form on 15th March 2022 – but later enjoyed a French Lunch after discovering his passport in the plane!

We are no longer in EU so don’t forget the Passport!!

Lawrance and Chris

17th March 2022 

After a few weeks of non flying weather the spring-like sunshine brought many out to continue their training.

Martin Pain completed his first solo today in GCDMA under the watchful eye of instructor Dianne.

Congratulations Martin, now the work begins to get that PPL.

5th February 2022

Wow!! A whole week of high pressure in FEBRUARY meant students could do a lot of catching up after the dreadful autimn weather and pandemic lockdown.

One student completing his course today was Lawrance shown here with examiner Chris

Congratulations Lawrance from all at Lydd Aero Club.

Lawrance and Chris

6th January 2022 

One member had a good start to the New Year with a First Solo. Always a memorable day in all pilot’s lives because you will never do it again!

Seen here in triumphant pose, Instructor Bob makes it look more like June than January. Well done Brennan Dwyer and congratulations from all at the Club. Next on the agenda, circuit consolidation and the more interesting Navigation.

13th December 2021

As we approach Christmas 2021 a quiet weather day in the run up to the festive season brought another reason to celebrate.

Kai Quashie, under the direction of Instructor Clive, took to the skies for the first time in a solo capacity and completed his “First Solo” flight today.

Congratulations Kai. Looks like you really enjoyed it?

Wet November

Photo courtesy Pilot Tiago

November 2021

A very wet and stormy November caused the cancellation of numerous lessons and private hire.

As we approach the end of the year let’s hope the weather is a little kinder to students and private pilots alike for the rest of the winter.

25th October 2021

Another Autumnal day of rain and threatened thunderstorms didn’t stop the latest student to achieve their first solo flight

Kai Dean, with an early morning start, and the approval of Instructor Clive, beat the elements to complete his First Solo today.

Congratulations Kai. Looks like the early mornings suit you?

Sunset photos courtesy Pilot Tiago

Halloween 2021

As the clocks go back we mark Haloween and the start of our Night Flying training.

The instructors are booked several weeks in advance for most training so get your bookings in now if you are just starting or need re-validating.

11th October 2021

The poor weather of September delayed much of our training but the last few days have prompted many to continue.

Lawrance Nichol today completed his Qualifying Cross Country and makes that one step closer to his Private pilot’s Licence.  Seen here with  instructor Bob.

Congratulations Lawrance from all at the Club.

4th September 2021

An unexpected treat for students training in the local area and visitors was the departure of the 2 resident DC3 Dacotas to an air display at North Weald.

Two Lydd Aero Club training aircraft were already in the circuit as the DC3s taxied out for departure. See the video in HiRes at

22nd August 2021

After the Covid pandemic the qualifications are coming through thick and fast.

The second First Solo Certificate this week goes to Steve Barkess. Steve completed his flight under the direction of Instructor Mark seen here presenting our usual Certificate and Champagne shortly after his flight. Congratulations to Steve who is on the club’s Fast Track to his Private Pilot’s Licence.

17th August 2021

A rather cool and overcast day for mid August saw the sun come out later in the day for Alisha Sood. Alisha completed her first solo under the direction of Instructor Clive. Navigation your next target, Alisha.

July 2021

On the hottest day of the year so far student pilot Camilla joins the PPL ranks.

Delays through Covid restrictions and the atrocious winter (and Spring) weather meant a year or more delay in taking her Skills Test the passing of which she celebrates here with Examiner Bob. 

26th June Visitor

The well know “Sally B”, a B17 based at Duxford stayed with us overnight and pleased the locals to a fly-by and landing. A rare sight to see a “celebrity” aircraft at Lydd

June 2021

We were all looking forward to a cessation of the pandemic lockdown but on 14th we are all told it would last until at least 19th July.

After a few sunny days in early June further disappointment as the weather intervened with gales and heavy rain in the 3rd week.

The Club flyout - Le Touquet

31st May – First Solo

On the first hot and sunny Bank Holiday for some time it was congratulations to Matthew Lilley on achieving his first Solo Flight. Here, with his Instructor for the day Bob Marchant the brilliant sunshine brought an extra sparkle to the day. Well done Matthew and another first at Lydd Aero Club

Early May 2021

As we all try to get revalidated or just refreshed in our flying the lovely April weather takes a major turn to rain, rain and more rain with the occassional thunderstorm.

Here, climbing out of Cambridge (which I’m told closes for good in 2022) and trying to dodge the latest thunderstorm with it’s really impressive lightning.

The Club flyout - Le Touquet

April 2021

On the 12th April we were permitted by the DfT to re-start Private Pilot training.

As expected this has resulted in a flood of pilots trying to revalidate, after such a long period when they’ve not been allowed to fly, and those trying out flying light aircraft for the first (or 2nd or 3rd) time by taking Introductory lessons.

29th March 2021

After another long “Lock-down” due to Coronavirus, the airport and Club should re-open today. In the lockdown and during one of the coldest spells around Christmas 2020 hardy souls were foolish enough to erect a new Club sign. (Just in case you didn’t know where to go).

The Club flyout - Le Touquet

March 2021

On 2nd March the Government announced the first easing of the Pandemic Lockdown for Private Pilots. As from 29th they may (if fully current) start flying solo or with members of their household (or “Bubble”). Those not fully current will need to wait another couple of weeks to get a check-out  starting 12th April 2021.

Mid February 2021

What a difference a day makes. CLICK photo. Several Freezing days meant a skating rink on the Charlie apron for those staff who attended to carry out the recommended engine runs. 

The Club flyout - Le Touquet
The Club flyout - Breakfast Le Touquet

February 2021

The Coronavirus lockdown continues although we are promised a review by the Government later this month. The airport will then decide whether of not to re-open for business although it is currently being used by the NHS as an inoculation centre. The Le Touquet trips seem a distant memory. CLICK photo Perhaps Summer 2021 will see our return.

January 2021

Started with a Gov.UK directive that prevented us from doing almost anything than flying “open cockpit” planes, a decision that showed the author of the directive clearly had no idea about General Aviation, or perhaps it was put in as a joke. It did not leave anyone at the Club laughing.

Watch out for those coronavirus when flying solo!!!

Above the Clouds
Above the Clouds

December 2020

Claudia passed her Skills Test for her PPL. Here she is checking out the PA28 whilst waiting on the CAA issue her new licence. Congratulations on your perseverance through the many lock-downs and delays caused by the 2020 pandemic.

November 2020

Student “Bob” Marine joins the Club from France to complete her EASA Private Pilot’s Licence but like many students at this time has to wait several weeks for the CAA to issue her licence. With licence in hand Marine sends her celebratory photo

"Bob" and G-BSTP

October 2020

Instructor Mark congratulates Andy on his First Solo before he even leaves the aircraft.

September 2020

Student Marine travels from France to complete her PPL. Here receiving congratulations on completing her Skills Test from Director Bill and Instructor Clive

August 2020

Local Schools regularly send 3 students to share PA28 for training