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A Log of past events

Things aviation, around or in the Club or airport

Contributions/Photos/Discussions welcome

(Subject to scrutiny and Directors authorisation)
Alan Webb

18th December 2023

Possibly the last Skills Test before the Christmas and the New Year break. Here seen with Examiner Bob is Adrian Stephens after his renewal test to regain his PPL.

Adrian comments “It’s a great feeling to have regained my PPL after a break of 39 years! Many thanks to all those at Lydd Aero Club in helping me reignite my boyhood dream!”

Congratulations Adrian and we wish you many more flying years

15th December 2023

As we approach the end of the Calendar Year there has been no let-up in the wet and windy weather. A shortlived gap provided a day for a Qualifying Cross Country by Phil Astell

After abandoning an attempt the previous week when the weather closed in after his departure from Lydd, a good decision!, he completed the necassary 150 Nm with two landings at alternative airports today.

Seen here with Instructor Dianne it’s a big WELL DONE! from all at Lydd Aero Club

Phil Astell - QXC
James Skills Test

24th November 2023

Today James Jarman took his Skills Test with Examiner Gary. All went well and James achieved his Private Pilots Licence.

No rest for James as he’s due to start his officer’s training with the RAF very soon.

Well done James and Good Luck from all at the Club in your future flying career

17th November 2023

A happy Friday for Harri Hobden who passed his Skills Test today.

It has not been easy to find a window in the current long spell of turbulent weather to complete tests so a big Well Done! to Harri and Examiner Bob for the achievement today.


Lydd Aero Club

Harri Skills Test
Chris Luton 1st solo

7th November 2023

Close to Bonfire Night but there were no fireworks for Christopher Luton as he completed his first solo.

During a brief respite from recent gales and torrential rains Instructor Gary released Christopher to undertake his First Solo flight having only completed 10 hours of flight instruction.

Well done Christopher from all at the Club.

14th October 2023

Judging by the photo it was obviously a very breezy day for Tiago and Bob. Seen here as Tiago successfully completes his PPL Skills Test. Weekend members will know Tiago as part of the OPS team who operate the general administration and organisation of aircraft on those days.

A big WELL DONE!! from all at

Lydd Aero Club

Tiago completes PPL
Sam Terry completed his ATPL examinations

September 2023

Sam Terry, who many members will know as the Senior OPS member at Lydd Aero Club, seen here leaving after his training and completion of the ATPL examinations.

For those of you (like me) who are not sure of the privileges of an ATPL this is The Airline Transport Pilot Licence and is the highest level of aircraft pilot licence, required to command aircraft over 5700 kg

Congratulations Sam on the completion of your ATPL examinations from all at Lydd Aero Club

29th August 2023 – 1st Solo

Lewis completed his first solo flight this afternoon. A cloudy day didn’t dampen the enthusiasm as he set off on the once in a life-time experience. Seen here with Instructor Clive and the usual congratulatory bottle.

Congratulations from all at

Lydd Aero Club

Lewis Weir - first solo
Another first solo

20th August 2023

Josh had patiently waited for some decent weather and today was glorious for him to complete his First Solo.
The good weather lasted the whole day, a rarity in this 2023 “summer”. Josh was able to do his first solo in the morning and then after a break did six continuation solo circuits in the afternoon. His Instructor Dianne commented that he had done exceptionally well.

Navigation & Cross Country next Josh!

10th August 2023

1st Solo

After waiting for at least 6 weeks, due to weather delays, another young student goes solo.

Seen here with Instructor Dianne, Jack completed his first solo flight after which he was complimented on his flying.

Well done Jack – keep up the good work

Jack completing first solo
Ryan passes test for Pilot's Licence

3rd August 2023

2 x 1st solos per day! 

Just to prove it only takes a short break in the current adverse weather and we have TWO First Solos in one day. Following later in the day, David finally achieved his first solo flight after many delays due to the weather. Well done David.

Seen here with instructor Andy, David receives the usual Certificate and congratulatory bottle.

Well done David!

3rd August 2023

1st Solo at 16!!

Lewis completed his first solo flight this afternoon. He has been having lessons at the club since he was 14 and turned 16 in March. The many weeks of dreadful weather meant he’s been waiting for some time, and probably complete a little schoolwork, so he could finally go solo. Seen here with Instructor Dianne and the congratulatory bottle which is going home.(of course!)

Well done Lewis – now the real work starts

Lewis 1st Solo
Ryan passes test for Pilot's Licence

28th July 2023

Private Pilot’s Licence

Ryan finally achieved his Private Pilot’s licence after aborted attempts due largely to the dreadful July weather which has seen no end of rain and strong, gusty winds.

Seen here with Instructor Dianne and Examiner Bob receiving the usual congratulatory bottle. a Lydd Aero Club tradition.

Congratulations Ryan from all at The Club

13th July 2023

Private Pilot qualifies

Thursday 13th – Lucky for some but hard work brought Robin Jobber a well deserved pass in his final Skills Test.

Robin, seen here being congratulated by examiner Gary, joins the ranks of Private Pilots

Well done from all at Lydd Aero Club

Robin Jobber passes Skills Test for PPL
Richard Phipps Solo

6th July 2023

First Solo

Richard has been ready for solo for a while now but the unseasonal weather especially the winds have caused delay after delay but it all came together today and he made the most of it – a very nice circuit and an exceptional bit of parking to end! completing his First Solo

Congratulations from all at Lydd Aero Club

2nd July 2023

Private Pilot Qualifies

Not the best day weatherwise to attempt your Skills Test for your Pilot’s Licence. A very windy day meant a bumpy ride for Adam Pringle.

Seen here receiving the usual congratulations from his Examiner Bob, Adam successfully completed the test despite the conditions.

Well done from all at Lydd Aero Club

David First Solo 28-06-2023

28th June 2023

First Solo

It may have been a long time coming but hearty congratulations from Instructor Clive for David Bramble after completing his First Solo

Congratulations from all at Lydd Aero Club

6th June 2023

Qualified Private Pilot

Completing his training through the worst of the late winter weather and after abortive attempts at the final Skills Test due to more bad weather Evan Jolly successfully received his pass certificate. Seen here next to his training aircraft awaiting the issue of the Private Pilots Licence. Wishing you many more hours of enjoyable flying and a big….

Well done from all at Lydd Aero Club

Another qualifier

3rd June 2023

Qualifying Cross Country

It took a while for the low cloud to clear so a long wait from 9am until 12 before Ryan could finally get started. The South East was plagued by strong winds for over a week, it was still rather breezy for his return but  all went well with no problems at all.

Starting his PPL at 16, various delays, including Covid, have meant its taken 4 years to get to this point. Ryan is now looking forward to the Skills Test and getting his licence.

Seen here with Instructor Dianne.

Congratulations from all at Lydd Aero Club

21st May 2023

Qualifying Cross Country

After only a few months training Adam is well on his way to a Private Pilots licence by completing the latest stage, the Qualifying Cross Country.

Here with instructor, Dianne, Adam is receiving the usual Lydd Aero Club stage recognition “trophy”.

Well done from all at Lydd Aero Club

Another qualifier
First time student (Nic) being supervised by Bill

May 2023

Message from earlier student

Memories of his PPL training at Lydd Aero Club appear still strong for Nicola (Nic) who trained with us not so many years ago.

Judge for yourself as to Nic’s age in the photo on the left which he recently sent. This was his first flight in the Robin which we used to operate.

Seen here being supervised by Bill and today (on the right) as he flies the 737.

NicAvitabile 737

3rd April 2023

Another student passes her test.

Persevering through the ravages of the pandemic, student Alisha became the next person to join the ranks of Qualified Private Pilot.

In a rush to complete her PPL before going off to Commercial Flight Training Alisha completed all her pre-test preparations and the actual Skills Test this day.

Seen here being congratulated by Examiner Gary. Well done from all at Lydd Aero Club

19th February 2023

Qualifying Cross Country

After a number of cancelled bookings due to weather over the previous month, today looked ideal to complete the Qualifier. A quick early morning checkout also looked good but after taxying out the cross wind limit for students was exceeded and the attempt was aborted. Later that day the wind eased across SE England enough to allow the Qualifier to go ahead.

Here we see Tiago being congratulated by his instructor, Dianne, in the usual Lydd Aero Club manner. When asked how the flight went Tiago said “All went brilliant!! Southend x rayed my empty water bottle when I asked if they could refill it…didn’t know it posed that much of a threat” – just one more pilot’s comments on the “unusual” security requirements at that airport.

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